U5 - Introduction to Hockey Program

South Delta Minor Hockey is excited to run our U5 (2019 born)  - Introduction to Hockey program again this season! This program will focus on providing a positive experience that is memorable and fun for our new-to-hockey skaters.

The program is for children born in 2019 and will offer two sessions with the option to register for one or both sessions.

Option #1 - Fall 2023 Session

October 3rd – November 23rd

Tuesday/Thursdays – 10:00am – 10:45am

Option #2 – Winter 2024 Session

January 9th  – February 29th

Tuesday/Thursdays – 10:00am – 10:45am

There is a maximum of 24 skaters per session.

All sessions will be held at South Delta Recreation.  

Cost: $240 per session.

We will need to get a Hockey Canada ID set up for your child prior to the start of the program.  This number will remain the same throughout your child's hockey career. 

To register a NEW Minor Hockey player, please email the following documents to: juniorregistrar@southdeltahockey.com in ONE (1) singular PDF document. Do not send images (jpg, png, etc). Images will not be accepted. 

The subject of the email should read: BIRTHYEAR - LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (ie: 2016 - Doe, Jane). 

Please note that incomplete registration packages will not be accepted. 

PCAHA Player Registration Form:

Fill out the Form141-PCAHA_Player_Registration_Form

Proof of Identification: 

Ensure you provide a copy of your player’s birth certificate (front side only) or a valid passport. 

Proof of Residency:

You must provide 2 proofs of residency with Mother and/or Father's name+address: 

ONE of the following full-page statement (1st full-page only): BC Hydro or Fortis Gas. If you are leasing a home and you don't pay for hydro or gas, you can provide one of the following: phone, cable, or complete lease agreement (all 6 pages signed by all parties).

AND ONE of the following full-page statements (1st full-page only): City of Delta Utility/Water bill, BC MSP invoice, bank/credit card statement, car insurance AND corresponding drivers license. 

All proofs of residency must be current and show a parent’s full name and address. 

Once you receive your child’s Hockey Canada ID you can then register at the following link: https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/373999

Full hockey gear is ideal however helmet and facial cage, elbow pads and knee pads would be the minimum requirement. Children will be taught how to fall, get up and become comfortable with moving around the ice.

Instructor will be Lawson "Boots" Boutilier, SDMHA Director of Hockey. Boots has been the lead at our U6 program for many years and has lots of experience dealing with our Initiation levels.

We will require a small number of parent volunteers each week - details will be communicated once your child is registered.

Please share this email with any families who may be interested in registering for the program.

For more information, please email  info@southdeltahockey.com .


AGM Announcement


Registration is now open for the Vancouver Giants & Boots Camp Hockey School