Reminder - A Qualified Hockey Canada Safety Person (HCSP) is to attend all team practices, games and sanctioned special events.
A reminder to all SDMHA teams that BC Hockey has provided clear direction to association risk managers via PCAHA risk management session that a qualified team HCSP is mandatory to attend all team practices, games and approved special events (for example, dry land training).
Failure to have a qualified team HCSP present could result in the decline of any coverage of the Hockey Canada insurance program.
A few helpful reminders.
There are no exceptions, a HCSP must be present at all team practices, games and special events.
If your team HCSP cannot make a game, your Manager must ensure the HCSP from another team or the opponent team can cover these duties.
It is strongly suggest the HCSP not be a coach.
Ensure the ePACT record for each of your player’s is completed. Emergency contact details and important player medical information is available and accessible with the smartphone app. Please also be reminded ePACT information is strictly confidential and access is only permitted by team officials for the purpose of player safety only.
First Aid Kits
Please ensure an adequate first aid kit is on the bench for all games and practices or at arm’s reach for special events.
If you do not have a first aid kit, please contact your division manager and request a kit from the association. If there’s no association kits, your team will be required to purchase one.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Scott Emsley at risk@southdeltahockey.com